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Idle Time

What is Idle Time in a Contact Center?

Lee Gardiner avatar
Written by Lee Gardiner
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Idle time in a contact center is the time between when an agent finishes one interaction and starts the next. It can also refer to the time an agent is logged in and available to work but not actively engaged in customer interactions.

Idle time is an important metric for contact centers to monitor as it can impact agent Productivity and Contribution results. While some level of idle time may be unavoidable, excessive idle time can indicate inefficiencies in staffing, processes, or technology.

In Bramble, this metric can found in the following reports and tables:

Contact center managers may take steps to minimize idle time by optimizing staffing levels, implementing workload balancing strategies, providing additional training or tasks during slow periods, and addressing any technical issues promptly. Efficiently managing idle time helps maximize agent utilization and improve overall operational performance.

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