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The Contact Center Overview
The Contact Center Overview

Learn about the metrics displayed on the Contact Center Performance report.

Lee Gardiner avatar
Written by Lee Gardiner
Updated over a week ago

The Contact Center Overview can be accessed via the sidebar menu by navigating to 'Reports' and selecting 'Contact Center'.

This report combines Bramble metrics such as: Utilization, Contribution and Yield with Contact metrics such as: Conversations, Idle Time and Quality to provide a balanced view of performance across Contact Center teams and Agents.

The report can be run over any date-range and can be filtered by Team and is typically viewed daily by frontline leaders wanting a clear view of performance against plan, down to the individual agents in their team.

Below are the 3 sections that make up the Contact Center Performance report👇

Overall Department/Team performance

Here we can view the overall performance for the department/team over a selected date-range. For a deeper dive into the metrics displayed, check out these links:

While the top-line cards will display the average performance across these metrics over the selected date-range, the chart trends performance by day across Contribution, Utilization, Yield and Worked Hours.

Queue Performance

In this section of the report, average performance across the selected date-range is displayed for each team, with the bar-chart providing a breakdown of time across:

  • Output

  • Supporting Tasks

  • Friction

  • Gap

  • Leave

When hovering over the bar, a pop-up will appear providing the actual numbers for each component:

When reviewing the report, you may notice the traffic-lights that appear against Worked Hours, Contribution, Utilization and Yield. The traffic-lights represent variance between actual performance and planned performance. Again, if you hover over a traffic-light, a pop-up will appear displaying the percentage variance from plan:

Below are the traffic light parameters:

  • Green - actual performance has outperformed plan

  • Yellow - actual performance has underperformed the plan by <10%

  • Red - actual performance has underperformed the plan by >10%.

Idle & Hold Trend by day

These two charts display the total Idle and Hold time for each day over the duration the report is being run and provides a comparison to the previous period. Like many reports in Bramble, you can click on any legend title to show or hide the metric in the chart.

Queue Performance by Agent

In this section of the report average performance across the selected date-range is displayed for all Agents in each team, and but provides includes the following metrics which are not displayed at the team level:

If you are wanting to see more detail behind an Agent's results, simply click on the Agent's name and the Agent Queue Metrics table will display filtered to just that person.

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