Base Time Identities are how Bramble ensures that scheduled work time data being uploaded into the Connector is populating the Base Time section of Member Plans in Bramble correctly.
The first time you upload a new file for a given Workflow and Source, you'll need to complete the initial Base Time mapping via the Base Time Identity Search screen under the Data menu option, as this table only populates once that step has been completed.
The User Identity table contains the following information:
Id - the system generated number produced for each Base Time Identity
Status - indicates whether the identity is mapped 'OK' (mapped and active), 'Unidentified' (unmapped) or 'Ignored'
Source - which data source the Base Time identity is associated with
Count - the amount of entries that have been imported via the connector for each identity
Value - the unique Base Time identifier from the column in the Workflow - these can differ for each system integration
Base Time - displays whether the identity will add or subtract time