Individual Planning in Bramble
Dan Wain avatar
Written by Dan Wain
Updated over a week ago

The Plans screen has been designed to enable users to plan out how they will spend their week at work. The Individual Plans role up to an aggregate view at the Group level.

Users create a plan for the upcoming week, based on a combination of what they know will occur (eg. Weekly team meeting), what they think may occur (eg. Assigned to work on a project without the specific details), and the performance they are aiming to achieve.

The Plans screen is predominantly used by Individual Contributors (ICs). Depending on the organization’s strategy, Frontline Managers (FLMs) may also be required to use this screen.

In total, it should take no more than 10 mins to complete each week.

The Plans screen can be found by clicking on the 'Plans' tab on the sidebar and selecting 'Upcoming Week'.

From there the Plan creator simply populates the necessary cells in each of the three sections:

  • Planned Time – enter expected time at work or time on planned leave for each day

  • Supporting Task – enter total amount of time expected to be spent in meeting, training, projects or completing leadership tasks for each day

  • Contribution – enter the contribution % targeted for the following week. Note that the contribution target is applied to the week as whole.

Once the plan has been completed, the user then clicks the ‘Save’ button at the bottom of the screen.

The first time a user creates a plan, it is essentially creating a base for future plans. Each week ongoing, the plan will automatically populate with the data entered in the plan the previous week, allowing the user to either edit in the required cell, copy actuals from previous week, or clear the entire row.

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