The Bramble Impact Report helps you measure and understand the tangible results of your organization's performance movement over time, tracking the changes in FTE and productivity, and converting the impact into dollars.
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Setting a baseline
The Impact Report is reliant on comparing current or recent performance against a baseline period. Therefore, it's important to establish a baseline date-range that adequately reflects the flow of work in a given team or department.
To create a baseline, click on 'Create Baseline' in the top-right of the screen:
You'll now be presented with the following pop-up:
Simply complete the fields and select your baseline date-range from the date-picker. Once you click 'Save' the report will default to presenting recent actual performance compared to the performance over the baseline date-range.
Note that the date-range of the applied baseline is presented here:
You can set multiple baselines by repeating the steps outlined above. In order to switch the report to a different baseline, click here:
...and select your preferred option from the list that appears.
While you can select the baseline over any date-range, we recommend establishing a baseline of at least one-month in the early phase of a Bramble deployment, and as more data is captured in Bramble, expand the baseline out to a quarter, then half-year and finally a full year.
The purpose of setting a baseline is that it allows Bramble to establish benchmarks for performance across key metrics, such as;
Baseline FTE
Baselines should not stay static so resetting the baseline each year is a good habit!
Navigation and filtering
If you are an Account Owner or Admin, The Impact Report can be accessed via the sidebar menu under 'Reports':
As with all reports in Bramble, you are able to run the Impact Tracker over any date-range. Currently, you can view the Impact Tracker at a rolled-up department level or down to specific teams.
You can configure the date-range and scope of the Impact Report here:
Insight from the Impact Report
In this section we will explain each of the reports' elements and their purpose.
Cumulative benefit compared to baseline
This chart illustrates the cumulative benefit ($) derived from improved Yield over the selected date-range.
At a high-level, this chart is comparing performance against the benchmarks set via the baseline. Displaying the trended cumulative benefit ($) over the date-range selected.
In the screenshot above, we can see $23,103 of benefit against baseline performance through to 16-September. This means that our output per FTE per day has increased against baseline - we've seen a cumulative improvement that has resulted in $23k worth of heightened productivity
We will cover off on the breakdown of benefit when we get to the 'Split of Benefit (FTE) vs Productivity' section.
Cost per hour of Output
This chart trends the 'Cost per Hour of Output' over the selected date-range against the baseline. It should act as a sense check given that as a team or department gets more productive, this number should trend downwards.
Title metrics
The Impact Report focuses on providing insight into performance over time across FTE and Dollars. To that end, the six title metrics presented on this report link back to either of these categories. The numbers presented in these cards represent the average performance over the selected date-range (with the exception of Cumulative Benefit which presents the total benefit at the final day of the selected date-range).
Each metric (with the exception of Cumulative Benefit) will have a corresponding variance percentage presented in the bottom-right of the card. This is displaying the variance against the baseline. For example:
Here we can see that over the selected date-range this department had 25 FTE. By hovering over the '-2%' variance, we can see that the corresponding baseline metric was 25.4 FTE.
Split of Benefit (FTE) vs Productivity
In the above chart, you're presented with 3 key pieces of information:
Productivity over time: Productivity of in-scope staff
Benefit through staffing changes (i.e. reduced labor) versus baseline in FTE
Benefit through the production of additional output versus baseline in FTE
Annualized Benefit ($) by Benefit Split
Here, Bramble visualizes the monetary value (annualized) of the benefit through staffing changes and production of additional Output. In essence, it takes the FTE results from the 'Split of Benefit (FTE) vs Productivity' and applies the annual costs associated with each team completing the work to convert the FTE of total benefit into dollars of total benefit.
The Benefit, by Team summary table
The final section of the Impact Report provides a summary of performance, FTE and benefit for each team that reports up to the group the Impact Tracker has been filtered to.
It is also useful as a launchpad into the Impact Tracker for specific team(s), as you can navigate to any of the teams listed in the table by simply clicking on the relevant row.