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Executive Hub

Overview of the Bramble Hub for Executives.

Lee Gardiner avatar
Written by Lee Gardiner
Updated over 3 weeks ago

The Bramble Hub is the landing page for Executives when they login, and serves as both a high-level dashboard and a launch point to other reports and screens in the system.

Click on the following to find out more:


The Overview tab provide you with a quick snapshot of your workforce's efficiency and performance, and whether the business is resourced effectively based on the targets that have been established.

Multiple Date Ranges

We've built in the ability for you to quickly check your results across Hub-metrics over the following date-ranges with a simple drop-down selection:

You'll also notice a Percentage next to each metric (with the exception of Skills). This Percentage represents the variance from the previous period.


While you can navigate the various Bramble screens via the sidebar menu, the intuitive interface allows you to quickly navigate to your most frequent screens with click-throughs.

For example, in the 'To-dos' list and the 'Need Help' section you can easily navigate to your frequent screens by simply clicking on the item:


The Performance tab provides a snapshot of the key metrics from the Dashboard and Performance Overview reports, including the topline key performance metrics of:

.. and accompanied by the following 3 charts:

  • Overall Performance: shows the trended metrics - Contribution, Utilization, Quality, and previous period Productivity (represented with a dotted line)

  • Typical Day: displays an average per person profile of where time has been spent over the date-range selected

  • Cost per Hour of Output: metric is designed to provide insight into the cost to complete an hour of Production Tasks, based on the fully-loaded rates of the people completing the work, and their Yield performance of over the time-period you are running the report for.


The Targets tab provides a snapshot of the key metrics from the Target report, highlighting resourcing and associated cost variances to targets at a high-level.

Topline metrics include:

  • Required FTE: the amount of FTE to complete the forecasted daily workload

  • Capacity FTE: the variance between 'Required FTE' and current FTE

  • Labor cost at target: the labor cost based on the 'Required FTE' multiplied by the 'Blended Annual Cost per FTE' in the team's settings

  • Budget Variance: cost variance based on the 'Capacity FTE'

The tab also includes charts for the following visualizations:

  • FTE Targets Over Time: displays the 'Required FTE' versus 'Capacity FTE' over the duration selected at the top of the page

  • Capacity FTE: shows a preview of the FTE capacity by team

  • Labor Cost Over Time: trended view of 'Labor cost at Target' and 'Budget Variance'


The Impact tab provides a snapshot of key metrics from the Impact Report, highlighting the tangible results of your organization's performance movement over time, compared to a baseline period of your choosing.

Firstly, select the baseline period you wish to run the reporting comparison for simply by selecting an option in the dropdown next to duration dropdown in the top-right:

Topline metrics include:

  • Cumulative Benefit: benefit ($) derived from improved Productivity over the selected date-range

  • FTE: The number of full-time equivalent personnel in your teams over that time

  • Output per FTE: the average hours of Output produced by each of those FTE

The tab also includes the visualizations for:

  • Overall Performance

  • The Cumulative Benefit Compared To Baseline

  • Annualized Benefit ($) By Benefit Split

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